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Persönliche Fotografie

About me

Patricia Ayres

  • Mother of 3 adult children, married

  • Certified life and social counselor based on the ABPS (General advice, psychotherapy and pastoral care) and BTS (Biblical-Therapeutic Pastoral Care) Institute for Psychology and Pastoral Care, Freudenstadt

  • Licensee of the scientific diagnostic test  PST-R (Personality structure test - revision)

  • Licensed as a facilitator for Prepare Enrich, a test for marriage preparation and enrichment

  • Prior work experience as a flight attendant

  • Fluent in German, English and Spanish

Counseling has always been a part of my work, even when I was in the flying industry. I have also discovered that counseling and life coaching go hand in hand in my work with my husband in our church (Christ Church Anglican Berlin).

While I have engaged in informal counseling for many years, I wanted to be sure those I counsel were receiving the very best advice possible in whatever areas of challenge they face.

It was and is important for me to apply sound and accredited knowledge in these areas, which is why I chose to become a licensed counselor under the direction and supervision of the organizations listed above. I continue to pursue professional development through training courses, conferences and peer-to-peer supervision.


“Meeting is a beginning; staying together is progress; Working together is a success.”
                                                                                    Henry Ford


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